For Immediate Press Release
RE: Bog Creek Decision
Selkirk Conservation Alliance (SCA) recently learned that the federal court judge in Missoula ruled in favor of the defendant, the USFS, regarding the Bog Creek Road. This road near the Canadian border runs through the heart of the Selkirk grizzly bear recovery area. We were disappointed to learn that the road will be rebuilt. Although the road will be closed to all but administrative traffic, meaning the Border Patrol, the road will be open to foot and non-motorized traffic. This inevitably will result in many hikers, hikers with dogs, bikes, e-bikes and hunters visiting the area. With the return of hunters there inevitably will be poaching of grizzlies, both accidental and intentional. Since the USFS does not have the resources to enforce their own road regulations, we can expect increasing conflicts between grizzlies and humans. Ultimately, motor bikes, ATV=s and side by sides will find their way around or through the gates like everywhere else in the district. Ironically, we fully anticipate that the newly re-opened road will increase illegal access to the US from Canada. CBP may have opened their own version of Pandora’s Box.