SCA is a participant on the Steering Committee of the newly formed (and long time coming) Priest River Watershed Group. The purpose of the PRWG is, according to draft by-laws, to; “Provide a collaborative opportunity for those who live, recreate, work, or are connected to the Priest River Watershed to:

  • Build a shared understanding of current conditions in the watershed
  • Identify and pursue actions that protect and conserve the watershed, rehabilitate ecological integrity, and maintain and improve recreational and beneficial uses
  • Increase the community’s connection to and appreciation of the watershed

The Priest River Watershed Group is a dynamic collective comprised of individuals who have an interest in the Priest River Watershed and the activities of the PRWG.

The Priest River Watershed Group is guided by a Steering Committee. Steering Committee members provide active and collaborative guidance to the watershed group, represent core stakeholder groups and interests in the Basin, and will ensure communication and engagement with their communities. The Steering Committee is currently the decision-making body for the PRWG; decisions may be made with input and guidance from PRWG members when feasible. The Steering Committee currently consists of 14 positions filled by individuals and organizational representatives who were either invited by the PRWG coordinator or self-nominated to participate. The PRWG Steering Committee meets monthly or as often as needed to conduct business and make progress on important issues. 

All PRWG meetings will be open to the public and the media and a website ( for the Priest River Watershed Group will be maintained for storing and sharing meeting agendas and minutes, resources, and events. Notes will be taken at all meetings (e.g., Steering Committee, Watershed Group, working group, other public meetings) and made publicly available as soon as they are approved by the Steering Committee. Participants and their affiliation will be included in the notes. 

PREIST RIVER WATERSHED GROUP Meets every first Thursday of the month at the Priest River Library from 4:30-6:30pm

For more information on the PRWG please contact the primary  PRWG coordinator; Erin Plue (

New website link:

In Case You Missed These Priest River Workgroup Community Educational Meetings!

Pre-dam history Outlet Dam
Mike Lithgow (Kalispel Tribe), Mike Reeb (author), John Gaddess (Forester/historian), Eric Berntsen (Kalispel Tribe)

Fisheries Priest Basin
Rob Ryan (IDFG), Andy Dux (IDFG), Joe Cronrath (Kalispel Tribe), Bryan Witte (Kalispel Tribe)

Water Quality
Robert Steed (DEQ), Glen Rothrock (retired DEQ), Francine Mejia (USGS)

Water Quantity
Michelle Richman (Idaho Dept. of Water Resources); Scott Campbell (Idaho AG’s office), Merritt Horsmon (IDFG)

Climate Change in the Priest Basin
Brandon Glaza, Hydrologist, US Forest Service; Peter Youngblood, Hydrologist, National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

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