Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) Hearing Officer Leslie Hayes RECOMMENDS THAT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR TRESTLE CREEK DEVELOPMENT BE GRANTED! Recommended Order made public on October 19th with the deadline to file an exception to the Recommended Order to IDL Director, Dustin Miller by October 24th!

Incredibly, despite “vast” public opposition and outcry Hearing Officer Leslie Hayes APPROVED the applicants request to dredge and fill (fill slack water channel and dredge island); develop a 105 slip “community dock” (available only to members of the Idaho Club!), discharge 10,410 cubic yards of dirt/topsoil (8820 cy) and gravel, rock or stone (1590 cy) below the ordinary high water mark and /or wetlands and redirect the North Branch of Trestle Creek. Further, the applicant has been permitted to remove an eagle’s nest on site!

It warmed SCA’s heart to read the Recommended Order and see the full tally of just how many community members attended the public hearing OVER 200 and wrote IDL by the masses (1,639 comments received!). It also brought a tear to my eye reading the citations of environmental cases our sister organization Kootenai Environmental Alliance won against big development (Panhandle Yacht Club) 40 years ago in 1983.

Despite the many thoughtful comments and the numerous valid concerns of local conservation groups, management agencies and the community opposed to this development, the IDL Hearing Officer ruled that the proposed development is unlikely to negatively impact Bull Trout and is in the BEST INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC!

You can find the 10/19/2023 Recommended Order HERE!

SCA will be working with the Center for Biological Diversity to determine next steps and will keep you posted!

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