Our Mission
Engage the public in southern Selkirk resource and land management issues through cooperation, scientific inquiry, education and economic diversity.
Our Vision
The Selkirk Conservation Alliance is the leading and faithful advocate to all who live, love and benefit from Priest Lake and its surroundings. We are committed to understanding, supporting and protecting the environment and all living beings found here. We are dedicated to the educational programs and scientific research that support and maintain this rare and exceptional environment for future generations.
Latest News
PLEASE Support the Businesses that support SCA!
Month of September SCA fundraisers; Evans Brothers & Ace Hardware Priest River Hello members and supporters of SCA!! We wanted to announce ahead of time…
SCA Can With USCAN – U. S. Climate Action Network
By Pam Duquette Another “feather” in SCA’s cap and a beneficial partnership was formed this year as we were welcomed as a new member to…
Coolin-Chase Lake Wetland development – Update As most of you know, in April of 2021 a 65 acre parcel in the heart of the Coolin…
Upcoming Events
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Who We Are
The Selkirk Conservation Alliance (SCA) is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan environmental nonprofit organization founded in 1986. SCA is one of north Idaho’s oldest environmental nonprofits and has been working to protect the land, air, forests, wetlands, wildlife and WATER of the lower Selkirk Mountains and Priest Lake Watershed (over 1.75 million acres) for the past 36 years.
Featured Project
Selkirk Remote Camera Projects
The SCA was able to purchase 7 remote motion sensing cameras to use on various projects around the Selkirks through a Defenders of Wildlife grant. Cameras have or are being used to capture encroachments of critical habitats in non-motorized areas, to document the variety and abundance of wildlife in these areas, and to document recreational…